A Collection of Resources for Getting Started in ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity

A Collection of Resources for Getting Started in ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity
August 28, 2016
I commonly get asked by folks what approach they should take to get started in industrial control system (ICS) cybersecurity. Sometimes these individuals have backgrounds in control systems, sometimes they have backgrounds in security, and sometimes they are completely new to both. I have made this blog for the purpose of documenting my thoughts on some good resources out there to pass off to people interested; I will add to it over time as I find other resources I like. Do not attempt to do everything at once but it’s a good collection to refer back to in an effort to polish up skills or learn a new industry. Rest assured, no matter how ill prepared you might feel in getting started realize that by having the passion to ask the question and start down the path you are already steps ahead of most. We need passionate people in the industry; everything else can be taught.


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