CrackMe Challenge [Part 1] - Introduction / Very Easy Password Mechanism (Python)

Which version of Python2 do you use?

2.7.10, but that shouldn’t make a difference…

Can you post a screenshot of the IDLE and the Shell’s output window?

Works like it should^^

Do you have a Linux Live Distro? Try with it; would be interesting to know if it works then :wink:

Aah! I figured, you run the file through Command Prompt but i use the Python Shell in the IDLE. The problem occurs that after the execution of the code, it automatically terminates and since it is still running, it prompts the message.
You should have specified that you used CMD.

Ok, I always run via cmd and thought it’s normal^^. Nice that it works now, good luck with cracking!

Works like a charm now. For others: Just drag the file into the CMD window and press enter.

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Done. You know @TheDoctor! :wink:

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Wasn’t that hard, hugh? Would be good if you don’t post the password in the comments, maybe someone accidently reads it :wink:

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In the next part I’ll cover C# reversing and that’s a much more interesting topic, but I wanted to start with something very easy, so Python was my favourite as begin^^.

Wouldn’t be able to help myself with C# though.

oki fine thanks @toxicwapor but still dont know how to crack this i never cracked a encrypted somthing :frowning:
can you send me a pm how to crack it ?

I didn’t run the program, but I think I got the password from reading the source code. Will try it out later.

Nice challenge, looking forward to the next levels/parts

If you really don’t know how to start read my way of cracking it here: If you just need a hint I can say that you should take a look at the chr() and odr() functions in python which were used for encrypting/decrypting the password :wink:

Quick n’ Easy Morning fun. Thanks gave me something to do while my coffee gets me up to speed :slight_smile:

Successfully done :slight_smile: Thanks!
My variant to get pass:

Start with pdb
Set breakpoint to line where input password compares with decrypted.
Print variable containing decrypted pass value

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This is how I solved it. Thank you Doctor.

Looked at the source and copied ‘intPass’,
into IPython.
The following python decoded it for me
‘’.join(chr(int©) for c in intPass.split(’,’))

Nice little one-liner :slight_smile:.

‘SuperSecurePasswordWhichCantBeCrackedWithoutBlackmagicSuperSecurePasswordWhichCantBeCrackedWithoutBlackmagic’ is the answer