Reverse engineering slides

A while ago I did a presentation on reverse engineering for a group at a local uni.
I thought the slides and binaries I used could be useful, so I’m posting it here.
I’d like to point out that many of the binaries I used are not mine, many came from skidophrenia which was hosted on by @_py. The other crackmes which I didn’t write were from NoREPls by @dtm.
I’d also like to thank @Leeky along with some people I know irl (C_Sto, kronicd and curryhacker) for checking over the slides for me.

I uploaded it here


Thanks! :slight_smile: I’ll be looking at those when I got some more time on my hands.

Thanks ! im gonna look em up now.
Im kind of new to this and i find it very interesting as well so any other recommendations on how i can better my reverse engineering skills?
And thanks again

I have some links to more information on the last slide. The main thing I would recommend is this free book. Also, do challenges, I’d start with the ones provided under crackmes.

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