Assembly Corner

Because there are so many assembly tutorials I will begin with giving you some important links.

This link really helped me learn Assembly.
It’s very informative and covers everything.

My idea was that people follow this guide and ask questions here.

I will be uploading my Shellcoding tutorial today


Please check out the Reference Database -> Programming
I will upload ASM references there!
(some links and books worth reading).


Not necessarily assembly but take a look at


Wow this is a awesome man.
Thanks :slight_smile:

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the unzip, doesn’t work, it raises an error

I found the Assembly Primers (actually ALL of his Primers) on SecurityTube to be fantastic. All hail Vivek Ramachandran!


Thanks for the link! I’ve had a particular trouble with assembly!

Indeed, and not just assembly.
Everything on his channel is awesome


You need to use the password first (Located on the site itself.)

Then it will let you open the files.

I did unzip -p that-password the-file
but it doesnt do anything

Oh, you’re using linux? When I get home I’ll troubleshoot it on my VB. I’ll PM you a solution in about 3-4 hours.

Love the subject!

Great tutorial… Just 32bits but it really covers everything!

Thanks for sharing

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