Control passwords with a masterkey

Hi there!
Anyone know of any program in which you can manage other passwords of sites, apps, etc with a masterkey? I found some in the net, but I trust more of the recommendations of the community, thank you very much.

Lastpass seems to be the best from all the reviews I have read. Works in your browser as well as on phone and other devices.

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I would recommend any kind of offline password manager (Keepass 2 comes to mind).
The reason for my choice is that they are not online. The issue with an online solution, in my opinion, is that you’re still handing over your master-key and trusting someone else with it…
Now if for example someone found a way to access their databases and read out hashes or something of equal/higher value (which isn’t unheard of) then everyone who registered with them is instantly screwed.
When someone finds a flaw in an offline password manager then they also need access to your DB file or your machine (and if they have that then you have way bigger problems anyway)
Just make sure to keep an up-to-date backup of the DB somewhere.
(But I agree that an online solution is way more convenient // As always it comes down to the “security - convenience” trade-off)

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I use Bitwarden (open sourrrrcceee!!!)

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