Hey guys! so, I have some money to spare, and I’m kind of in a tough spot with where my self teachings have brought me, so I think its high time I get some sort of payed course to gain more information in hacking. I already have a library full of hacking books, but they taught me all I could learn from some of these, and some are more for reference anyway.
My question WOULD be (and to some extent still is) what courses you would all reccomend for the various levels and fields of hacking, but I’m also curious about Hack the Box Premium. In Hack the Box, I’ve been doing absolutely terrible, I got a single user (Which was an amazing feeling btw), but thats it. But I saw how Premium had the retired boxes, with official writeups, and so I’m wondering if I can use these writeups on the retired boxes to learn about new tools and strategies, and just all around use it as a form of learning tool.
Essentially, What I’m asking is:
- What’s the quality of the HTB retired machine writeups? How in depth are they. Do they explain what the tools do? could they be used to learn more about the field and continue me on my way to becoming an absolute pen testing wizard?
- What are some good quality courses you would reccomend I put my money into? I’m not a noob, but I’m no where near being a pro, so whatever courses you can vouch for, begginner, advanced, or expert, Feel free to post them!
- (optional, but since I’m on the topic of learning) How did you guys learn more about the field?