Hey Guys! I don’t know if this is the right place to post this question so I will apologize in advance. So I discovered this site as it was recommended to me by a friend. I have been learning cybersecurity for about 2 months now, which basically means I’m a complete script kiddie. but I have a very strong interest in cybersecurity, infosec and in particular penetration testing. I’ve been watching youtube videos and writeup blogs but I’m looking to expand my knowledge faster and maybe via a more reputable source. So basically I’m writing this to ask if anyone who be kind enough to direct me to some free courses or tutorials that I could learn from or point me into the right direction of were I should continue to learn and gain more information about pentesting. By what I have seen this community is great and I’m so glad I found this site!
Thank you all so much!
There are loads of resources to learn from, I can recommend a few books if you want to read them. Most of the books by NoStarchPress are pretty good and they are on humble bundle sometimes too.
Courses: udemy, skillshare, pentesterlabs
Practical: HackTheBox, PentesterLabs, WebSec.fr
Books: NoStarchPress books, Web Application Hackers Handbook (v2), The Tangled Web, etc
Thanks so much!
ill have a look at all of them!
Actually there is a really good book written by @ZephrFish called “Breaking Into Information Security: Learning the ropes 101”. I’d really recommend giving him a shout and seeing if you can get a copy of it. If you’re going to Steelcon (UK) next month then try and grab a copy off him
It’s a solid book for beginners!
Here’s a link to all the beginners guides, you should check them out
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