Programming Challenge #2

#include <stdio.h>

float premium(int age)
	if (age < 20)
		return 1000*1.15;
	else if (age < 26)
		return 1000*1.05;
	else if (age > 25)
		return 1000*0.9;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	printf("Number of drivers in your family: ");
	int num;
	scanf("%i", &num);
	char names[num][20];
	int ages[num];

	for(int i = 0; i<num; i++)
		printf("Enter name of the driver[%d]:", i+1);
		scanf("%s", names[i]);
		printf("Enter age of the driver[%d]:", i+1);
		scanf("%i", &ages[i]);
		if (ages[i] > 15)
			printf("The amount of insurance for %s: %f\n", names[i], premium(ages[i]));
			printf("The amount of insurance for %s: No insurance\n", names[i]);

Ohh nice!!! Good job fellas!

Good old Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python

basic = 1000

def get_premium(age):
    if 15 < age < 20:
        return "$%.2f" % (basic + (15.0/100) * basic)
    elif 19 < age < 26:
    	return "$%.2f" % (basic + (5.0/100) * basic)
    elif age > 25:
    	return "$%.2f" % (basic - (10.0/100) * basic)
        return "*No insurance!*"
num = int(raw_input("Enter number of drivers in the family: "))

for i in range(num):
    name = raw_input("Enter name: ")
    age = int(raw_input("Enter age: "))
    print "%s's premium: %s" % (name, get_premium(age))

The submissions keep coming in! Wahoo! Well done @EnergyWolf !

Why not 1.15 * basic rather than (basic + (15.0/100) * basic)?

I was just going by the formula for getting the percentage… didn’t really think about simplifying it. That looks a lot nicer though

A Perl version using a lookup table, and featuring the use of last :wink:

sub raw_input{ print $_[0]; $a=<>; chomp($a);return $a;}

@d = ((16,0), (20,1.15), (26,1.05), (200, .9));
$base = 1000;

$n = raw_input ("Please enter the number of driver in your family :");

for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < $n; $i++, $j++)
    $name = raw_input ("Driver $j Name : ");
    $age =  raw_input ("Driver $j Age  : ");
    die "Invalid Age" if $age > 200;

    for ($k =0; $k < $#d; $k+=2)  {last if ($age < $d[$k]);}

    print "The amount of insurance for $name: " . $base * $d[$k + 1] . "\n";

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