So basically I’m really the procrastinate kind of guy. I can’t keep deadlines and I always do things last hour.
People who function like clockwork, I summon you!
Tip me on how to be more organized, please and thank you!
So basically I’m really the procrastinate kind of guy. I can’t keep deadlines and I always do things last hour.
People who function like clockwork, I summon you!
Tip me on how to be more organized, please and thank you!
I did a pretty comprehensive post on this in another thread.
Make a work plan and stick to it for long enough to make it a habit. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Leave a generous portion of down-time to prevent burn out. Isolate what’s important and use them as the foundation to build upon.
You have to beat yourself into following some sort of plan. Trust me, as a fellow procrastinator the only way I’m able to get things done is if I make myself follow the plan I’ve said I will. It’s all too easy to procrastinate looking for ways to stop procrastinating. Then you end up in a vicious circle of wasting time.
Dude, thanks. This topic is wonderful.
@Bl4ckb0x97 @occupi you too!
Here is what worked for me…
I took a notebook and well, almost everyday I wrote down a To Do List. The only flaw is that I never looked at the list again. XD
Consider making/getting a planner that has a schedule in it and write down/type in where your deadlines are set. If it is on a phone, set an alarm to remind you of what you have. I recommend trying every other person’s way above. I personally find writing my schedule down is my better way to memorize what I have, but hey everyone thinks differently and has their unique way of doing things. You just have to find what best works for you. Good Luck!
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