Cracking SSH Password with Medusa

Trust me, that’s absolutely the least I want. Also, this wasn’t my point here. I’m sorry if I didn’t put it in the right words.

My point was that if you don’t provide some background information here, or give newbies some stuff to read further, I’m afraid they won’t benefit much.

I don’t wanna bash @Red_Joker in any way, but rather provide some constructive feedback. So here it is:

  • An infographic about the most common passwords used by people
  • Add some basic words about the concept of bruteforce at the top. This may seem simple to us, but will be very useful for newbies.
  • => That this is called a Dictionary attack
  • (Maybe a link to Brute-Force Attacks - Basic Concept)
  • How to install Medusa on non-apt systems
  • Maybe broaden the post that Medusa can also be used for other services like POP3
  • How to discover if SSH is not running on port 22
  • => link to Recon: Nmap Basics

I think what makes this community unique is the kindness and warmness everybody is welcomed here. By making quality, but also newbie-friendly posts we can ensure that this stays.

Again, sorry if I wasn’t clear here.

All the Best, SmartOne