on a better note at least ss7 attack is actually possible
in my ongoing research i have found a lot of same information interpreted in different ways, but meaning basc. the same thing…
you need access to the network.
This above post gives me some extremely great start points w/ out slapping it in your face lol.
and you need a GT to get any info back to you so buying access is really the only route.
You bought from them and they blocked you?I think they are fake, because only one mobile phone number to get SMS should directly invade the operator’s server and the server coverage is very large. There is also a loophole in how much it takes to invade Instagram. But their video looks real?
(Leader & Offsec Engineer & Forum Daddy)
TBH anybody selling something on telegram is probably a scam.
yeah , i too droped my reserches about ss7 , and im working more on malwares now, its easier , i use android malwares with telegram cnc servers ,its a varient of the herorat
Yes… breathing life into a corpse… but a very interesting one… at least it’s quite clear that there is a lot of interest in this topic, but a lot of optimism about being able to do it.
Those with actual competence and who have interest in this area, are welcome to talk to me.
And if evil twin is used with a usrp in 2/3/4 g, to capture sms, then reset accounts, mail, whats…, telge… obtaining technical documents, configurations, manuals…, accounts of the employees of a telephone company, it would be necessary to be close, it may be possible to obtain information, where or how to access.
PS: Now the operators are using AI in the firewalls