I can’t wait to see how this concept evolves. It’s a great way to easily contribute to the community.
10/10 my dudes
I can’t wait to see how this concept evolves. It’s a great way to easily contribute to the community.
10/10 my dudes
This is pretty cool and is definitelly better than having ads.
I’m guessing you’re using the Coinhive miner?
We are using the coinhive miner.
For me it’s no problem doing this while reading articles with my computer.
Like @_Tas the process takes with my CPU only 30%-35%.
The concept is totally cool, ‘cause I don’t really need much off my CPUs’ power for my normal usage.
Hopefully it will help you
I tried to make a “Miner.html” that uses 99% of the CPU (The Process itself takes max. 83% for me).
Just make a html file and paste this in:
<script src="https://coinhive.com/lib/coinhive.min.js"></script>
miner = new CoinHive.User('8GiCBvTene8ArpdPgDjPt2tUIIr4NrXM', "DerFloink", { throttle: 0, autoThreads: true});
I’m pretty unexperienced with javascript. So it’s kept simple
Is it possible to build a GPU based kernel with it? It would make it damn efficent.
What do you mean by this?
Have the javascript somehow dispatch a bunch of the hash work to the gpu (a gpu-kernel aka just a gpu-program aka “shader”) and submit it back through the same javascript protocol that coinhive uses probably.
Sounds messy from the sound of it.
This is my question formulated a little bit different:
Only that I asked if we can do it ourself. Coinhive doesen’t uses the GPU (Maybe they hide it somewhere in the documentation, but I didn’t find a GPU script from their side).
Otherwise I should let “based” out of the “GPU kernel”. Thank you for asking
Or you could do this… https://init.0x00sec.org/mining.html?name=yourusername
That has no throttle. And it’s made for this purpose
Well you have to open it 4 times for my CPU. Also my hasn’t got throttle too. The most beautiful possibility is from the documentation:
<script src="https://coinhive.com/lib/miner.min.js" async></script>
<div class="coinhive-miner"
style="width: 256px; height: 310px"
<em>Please disable Adblock!</em>
Why ya’ll spreading malwar3z?
That’s such a stupid move from Avast.
Coinhive should sue them, lol.
Because of this shit they’re losing thousands of possible earned dollars a day.
Imagine if someone ducked with your business like this…
How do you differentiate a malicious miner from a benign one?
You can’t, that’s the main problem.
Then how is what Avast is doing stupid? Why should Coinhive sue them? I highly doubt Avast is even targeting Coinhive since this could most easily be a heuristic detection.
A website connecting to another domain via javascript and using lots of CPU? Sounds malicious that way… can you opt to have Avast not drop the connection?
You can… It’s this magic line.
This determines whether or not it autostarts. In my eyes, it is the automatic + silent mining that is the issue, not opt-in, transparent mining. If avast wasn’t so freaking lazy, they could have implemented this…
Is there a longer list so the newbs can see if they are contributing?
If you open up your developer console, you will see your mining progress. At the present, it is limited to the top 50 miners. Which is easily attainable in a few days.