Should I keep them this low level? Like, I’m writing up the tutorial for narnia2 right now, but it is a full blown smash-the-stack-and-overwrite-$EIP-return-to-shellcode challenge, and it requires relatively in-depth knowledge of the stack, x86 assembly, and gdb for reverse-engineering a binary in linux. And like, on one hand I wanna keep it Suuuuuuper low level cause I remember when I didn’t know Any of that, and reading a tutorial that stopped to explain things I didn’t understand was just amazing… but at the same time, explaining x86 assembly and gdb is two seperate tutorials in and of itself lmao… and another part of me wants to just go high levelAF cause I also know there’s some people here that won’t read the whole thing cause it’s just taking too long and going over, and way too into, things they already know how to do lol… and then there’s @0x00pf who’s obligated, out of kindness and his motherly love for the website, to read each post, and I’d be making him read a novel lmao… and I can’t just bring myself to make gdb/x86 assembly tutorials on their own cause I feel that’s lacking a sense of direction lolololol. Whatevs… GG_YOLOsauceInAndAroundMyMouth.jpg