2 Factor Authentication on 0x00sec

Hi Guys,

I’ve been lurking around here for some time now, and I have only now realized that there is no 2FA Implementation on 0x00sec! Either I’m totally stupid :grin: and can’t find the setting, or this feature has to be implemented. Maybe some OTP that I can add to my Google Authenticator?

Do we need 2 Factor Authentication?

  • Of course! I am paranoid and can’t live without it :slight_smile:
  • I don’t care about my security! YOLO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Looking forward to your thoughts,


Hi. This is another great suggestion. We’ll have to look into what our forum platform provides for us first… Thank you.

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I would love 2FA! One issue though… Discourse. I will look around, but I’m not sure we’ll be able to get this working on Discourse. We can all request it from the Discourse devs though.

Nice suggestion though!

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Yes, that could indeed be a problem. It would generally be nice to look at getting the authentication to a (self hosted) SSO server, because then we could even integrate gitlab with it! :slight_smile: https://meta.discourse.org/t/official-single-sign-on-for-discourse/13045

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This is a very good idea. @oaktree thoughts?

Of course it would mean a bit of work, but it would be a long-lasting clean solution :smile:

Or this https://github.com/discourse/discourse-oauth2-basic

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Looks decent! Does this mean we would need a own oauth server or rely on a third party?

I think a 3rd party would be better for stability, where as I think a self-hosted solution would be better for the privacy of the users - my only worry is that I don’t think we have the processing power.

Valid points! I’m looking to donate 50€ as a Christmas present :slight_smile: Just have to figure out how to get the money to you anonymously. How much do you actually need per year to keep the site running(at a normal performance level)?

If you want 2FA now, you can register on this site with OAuth with GitHub.


Wow! That’s very kind! We have Bitcoin payments at the present, and will need to re-organise PayPal as well as I’ve caught word it isn’t working.

I pay personally for the VPS which is $20 per month. 20x12 = $240. Donations are pretty slim although we’ve had some very kind people donate! The current donation tally is about £10, ever. There are £30 worth of referral credit, however we can only use that once we’ve reached £100 worth of referrals.

The intention of 0x00sec was never to make money, I spend money and time on this because I care about the community and it would kill me to see it go. Donations really do help though! So thank you anybody who decides to donate!