About the Social category

Many users often have infomation related to their work, their activity on 0x00sec, and other things that aren’t strictly computer science/hacking related, however they are somewhat relevant. This category is to be used sparingly, and only if you really have something important/relevant to share.

Hey there
I need help with a java code.
I tried a dictionary attack and wrote it on my own (and tried it on my own account so i put my passwort in the middle of the other “passwords”)
But it tells me at 4 of 5 commands error (like not defined)
I dont have money to study or pay someone so i have to learn it all on my own. Would be very greatfull if someone could take a look on it.

Name: Marcin Bieszke
Date of Birth: January 24, 1989
PESEL ID: 08192240189
Passport numer : EH 5120100