the condition of being anonymous.
lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; impersonality.
Two definition you get for anonymity when you google the word, but from a hacker perspective anonymity means a fine line between jail and freedom. In essence anonymity is where the game is played, the game of cat and mouse. In this tutorial I’m gonna try my best to address the basics and my techniques. Do whatever you please with this information, but don’t blame me if you get caught after all who’s there to blame but yourself?
The first thing to address is that even when using a proxy, vpn, or spoofing you still run a risk. Using proxies that you don’t know what the owner is doing with your information is such one risk. If you don’t like this risk then don’t use any anonymity software, simple as that. Of course if you’re still reading this then you clearly accept the risks.
With that outta the way, time to explain proxies. With a simple google search the definition for proxies are:
In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.
Yes that’s the defintion of a proxy. I’m not gonna go into much detail about proxies and how they work. The point here is that when used correctly a proxy can in essence put a veil on your real Ip, for example using a Russian Proxy would make it look like you’re in Russia when in reality you are in your parents basement drinking coffee. There are many sources but my favorite to use is this particular website:
VPNs are in my opinion the same as proxies, but I’m not gonna go into much detail about the differences. A VPNs purpose is the same to “hide” your real Ip and thus fooling pretty much everyone, well almost. There’s no one-hundred percent to hide your Ip no matter what you try, this should be noted when playing the game, yes this is a game as in cat and mice. I use the VPN GhostVPN on my phone, but not on my computer for security reasons.
I personally use a combination of Tor (proxy) and GhostVPN on my phone and I use a program called proxychains. Proxychains does what the name says, it allows you to chain multiple proxies together so that way you “hop” between the proxies. Although even this method isn’t 100% bullet proof, nothing is.
EDIT: If you’re interested in more of in depth detail please check out this really good article:
How to Become a Ghost Hacker - Merozey' Tips by Merozey
(I like to thank Cromical for showing me this article)