Hi, I’m an author researching material for my next novel about a journalist who exposes an illegal CIA operation and who faces the wrath of the agency as a result.
I’m keen to get conformation (or otherwise) on several key points, as follows:
Given what we now know as a result of the Vault 7 leaks, is it possible for a top-level CIA hacker to frame a person by…
(1) remotely accessing their computer without their knowledge and taking control of it;
(2) accessing websites using their browser and planting incriminating material on their hard drive, again without the user’s knowledge;
(3) modifying the dates and times when these websites were visited using a tool such as Time Stomper (or similar);
(4) finally, having successfully executed the hack, erase it, or hide it, or obfuscate it to the extent that law enforcement forensics are unable to find any evidence that it ever took place?
I would be very grateful if anyone could answer these points as I would very much like to get the technical details right in the story. I just need to know what is technically possible and what is fantasy.
Many thanks in advance.