There is a huge array of topics that underlies the working innards of a modern computer. Please free to share your favorite references/books on any topic relating to Computer Science.
EDIT: PROVIDE A SMALL DESCRIPTION/REVIEW if you’ve read the book or know it had helped others
Discrete Mathematics
- The one and only Concrete Mathematics
OS Concepts and Design
- The Art of Assembly Language
- Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for Linux: Second Edition
Analysis & Forensics
- Practical Malware Analysis
- Malware Analyst’s Cookbook
- The Art of Memory Forensics
- Fuzzing for Software Security
- Art of Software Security Assessment
Reverse Engineering
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
- Practical Reverse Engineering
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners (A book released freely and compiled by the professional Russian reverser Dennis Yurichev (Nov 1, 2017). From the author of Practical Malware Analysis : “… [the] book is interesting, great job!”
- The IDA Pro Book (by Chris Eagle, co-author of “Gray Hat Hacking” and most importantly, leader of the badass CTF Team sk33l of r00t)
- Gray Hat Hacking
- The Antivirus Hacker’s Handbook
- The Rootkit Arsenal
- Windows Internals Part 1 Part 2
- Inside Windows Debugging
- iOS Reverse Engineering
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (An informal introduction to what goes beyond bits and bytes. Released Oct. 2000)
- The GNU Make Book