[DCA] Docker Certified Associate

Hi fellas,

I’m currently preparing my Docker associate certification, I thought it would be a good idea to share resources with you guys. Even if the Docker documentation is well explained and straightforward, information concerning the certification is still spread into dozens of pages which could be tedious to manage.

It is important to note that I only aggregated information that I found over the Internet. I did not write any content that will be posted further on.

Below are the subjects approached in the certification as well as their grade weight.

  1. Orchestration (25%)

  2. Image creation, management, and registry (20%)

  3. Installation and configuration (15%)

  4. Networking (15%)

  5. Security (15%)

  6. Storage and volumes (10%)

The table of contents above will be updated alongside my prep progression. Stay tuned

Such technology may not be your main goto area however, keep in mind that increasingly services are shipped this way. Improving your knowledge about Docker could be very helpful for post-exploitation scenarios. :wink:

Hope you will enjoy this series.



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