GitLab Resource Dump

Just reorganised my e-book and other PDF resources and uploaded them onto my GitLab. Entry-level stuff here, mostly RE or malware or AV detection evasion content since I don’t dabble much in the other areas so if any of you are interested in that stuff, go nuts. I might update the READMEs in a future date with links if I’m bothered.

You must have an account to view them (internal permissions).

Temporary link:

If you cannot access the repository, comment down below or PM me your name, username, or email.


@dtm can’t access that atm a link or dump forward to me would be wonderful

Send me your GitLab username.

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pls add me username ka3

ka3 has been added to the repo.

Add username cgms please.

cgms has been added to the repo.

add username febri please :slight_smile:

febri has been added to the repo.

please add me: robsske

robsske has been added to the repo.

@all: Can you please send him PMs? This topic keeps showing up on latest without any new information


Repetitive requests. PM/IRC instead.