Help with Self-modifying code unpacker Suite

Hello everyone,

Please, i need help for delphi self-modifying code.

I’m still waiting for your precious help.

Sorry for my long silence!!

Serial Registration part listed below:

00641AF4 push ebp
00641AF5 mov ebp,esp
00641AF7 mov ecx,0B
00641AFC push 0
00641AFE push 0
00641B00 dec ecx
<00641B01 jne 00641AFC
00641B03 push ecx
00641B04 push ebx
00641B05 push esi
00641B06 push edi
00641B07 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
00641B0A xor eax,eax
00641B0C push ebp
00641B0D push 641EBB
00641B12 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00641B15 mov dword ptr fs:[eax],esp
00641B18 lea edx,[ebp-8]
00641B1B mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00641B1E mov eax,dword ptr [eax+388]; Tfmain.cx29100:TRzEdit
00641B24 call TRzEdit.GetText
00641B29 cmp dword ptr [ebp-8],0

I’m trying to reverse delphi software.
I didn’t have experiences with crypters.
Software is self-modifying code.
i can’t dump anything.
there are so much access violation errors.

Many thx in advance !

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