How we can scan port manually?

Hello Guys,

i started learning hacking.
I want to know how we can scan TCP and UDP ports Manually. i am not saying any kind of tool like nmap or any scanning tool.

If anyone have this kind knowledge please help me out.

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Not fully sure about what do you mean by “Manually”, but this may be interesting

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it’s very helpfull for me. Thank you ,but using nmap or any other scanning tool can be caught by ips/ids system that’s why i post it.

I want to conect to the port one by one.i don’t want to send many request to the port because Ips or Ids will consider it as an attack. Check port are open or not using like command prompt or web browser.

IPS/IDS do not know anything about the tool you use… actually they do not care… They will detect your manual scan the same that they detect an nmap scan…

You can ask nmap to scan just one port in one ip… Depending on the kind of scan, it will just send one packet, for example one single SYN packet. what the remote IDS/IPS will see is that SYN packet… A SYN packet looks the same no matter how sends it … nmap, a web browser, an ssh client, or your own port scanner…

It is about the protocols and the techniques, it is not about the tools…

If you still want to implement your own. That’s fine… you just need to write a simple TCP/UDP client (there are millions of examples on internet) or use sockets RAW if you want to implement one of the stealthy scanning techniques… there also millions of examples on how to do that.

Good Luck :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much. It will really help me out

You can use netcat utility program or you can write your own socket programming using python . For example using netcat you can do like this :-

nc -nvv -w 1 -z 10.x.x.x 3388-3500

Here ,
nc - binary
-nvv verbosity
-w timeout value
-z I/O mode


nc -nv -u -w 1 -z 10.x.x.x 1-100

-u UDP argument

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