I'm new to this

I use windows, and I’ve never been fast at learning, are there any good websites with courses about Python? (I have 0 experience with programming, coding, software engineering etc.) Anything would be very much appreciated. :))


If you have no previous experience with programming, I recommend this website: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ (scroll down to the bottom for the table of contents).

There is also a YT channel everybody seems to recommend if videos are your preferred way of learning (but I personally never watched that channel): https://www.youtube.com/user/schafer5/playlists


python doc will be good,and also some beginning cookbook published by O’Reilly Media is suitable for your situation.

BTW,why do you use Boris’ avatar, dude

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and also some basic algorithm and data structure cookbook is needed to form a good sense of programming.

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Dunno. I like his vids

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Before you start learning, as you mention you’ve had trouble learning in the past I’d step back and consider how you learn so you can approach the process in the best way for you. Set appropriate goals for yourself, actively engage in learning - write notes, make mindmaps, practical exercises - a mix of techniques.

For learning Python, I’d recommend ‘Learn Python 3 The Hard Way’. Despite its name, it’s a solid introduction to python. I find it helpful to mix reading with video, perhaps check out farshields youtube suggestion (although I haven’t watched it).

Finally, understanding as much computer science as possible will help you along your programming journey. Harvard’s CS50 (https://www.edx.org/course/cs50s-introduction-to-computer-science) is highly praised, and I can vouch for its excellence.


Definitely needed a thread like this :+1:

Is there an advantage of learninig assembly language first hand? As well as CPU architecture,memory management etc. I’m new and my goal is to get OSCP certified, to get into pentesting field. I Read couple different views on assembly, what do you guys think?

I realize this thread’s approaching stale, but I wanted to mention thenewboston and his Python videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thenewboston/search?query=python

After several years of dabbling in various languages, I have come to the conclusion that it is best for people reading this to reflect on what they are hoping to accomplish with the knowledge they learn.

You do not need simple explanations for what a number looks like in a language or how to print a number to a screen. What you need are project-driven learning experiences like Automate the Boring Stuff.

Getting involved with local Hackathons is a great way to find inspiration for projects.

A wild link appears

Also welcome to the community! 0x00sec has a discord too

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I’m a newbie, too. You’re not the only one.