It has been a while since I wrote the Late Easter challenge and now that STAN is around, this is a good excuse to present some of the latest functions I have add to my little tool
So, in this write-up I’m going to solve the stripped version of the challenge. Grab the binary, grab STAN (GitHub - 0x00pf/STAN: STAN is a sTAtic aNalyser) and let’s start!!!
Getting started
After loading the binary with STAN we see it is a stripped static binary (this is new information shown by the latest version of STAN).
+ Dumming Core
- File : ./test/eo-strip
- Size : 15374
- Entry Point : 4001ef
- Type : ELF64
- Valid : VALID
- Architecture : X86
- Mode : 64bits(2)
- Info : Static Stripped
[00] text_00 Addr:0x400000 Offset:0x0000 Size:0x2718 (10008)
[01] data_01 Addr:0x603000 Offset:0x3000 Size:0x00e0 (224)
[00] .text 0x03 Addr:0x400144 Offset:0x0144 Size:0x1d6b ( 7531) [text_00+0x0144]
[01] .rodata 0x06 Addr:0x401eb0 Offset:0x1eb0 Size:0x0170 ( 368) [text_00+0x1eb0]
[02] .eh_frame 0x06 Addr:0x402020 Offset:0x2020 Size:0x06f8 ( 1784) [text_00+0x2020]
[03] .data 0x06 Addr:0x603000 Offset:0x3000 Size:0x00e0 ( 224) [data_01+0x0000]
So, let’s take a look to the entry point (you can now use TAB completion for symbols ). STAN names the entry point as
STAN] > dis.function __entry_point
+ Function '__entry_point'@0x4001ef found at section '.text'(7531 bytes)
+ Disassembling function __entry_point@0x4001ef
* Analysing 3440 instructions at (0x4001ef)
4001ef: 5f pop rdi
4001f0: 48 89 e6 mov rsi, rsp
4001f3: 57 push rdi
4001f4: 48 8d 54 fe 08 lea rdx, qword ptr [rsi + rdi*8 + 8]
4001f9: 48 89 15 e0 2e 20 00 mov qword ptr [rip + 0x202ee0], rdx # ! 0x6030e0
400200: e8 ee 00 00 00 call <func_4002f3> # <func_4002f3> 4002f3(.text+0x1af)
400205: 48 89 c7 mov rdi, rax
400208: e8 2a 15 00 00 call <func_401737> # <func_401737> 401737(.text+0x15f3)
40020d: f4 hlt
+ Stopped after finding symbol 'func_40020e' (8 instructions)
Normally, you should start disassembling the two functions calls in the __entry_point
, but I can tell you that this is how the _start
function looks like for a dietlibc
binary. I can also tell you that dietlibc
usually puts the main
function at the beginning of the .text
Alternatively, as this is a small binary, you can just dump the whole .text
section using the command dis.section .text
and look for the messages printed in the screen. You will quickly find the main
function. I’m working on more options to easily find the part of the program you may be interested on.
Looking at main
So, let’s rename our .text
symbol to main
and take a look to the function.
STAN] > func.rename .text main
+ Found function .text
+ Found Symbol .text
STAN] > dis.function main
+ Function 'main'@0x400144 found at section '.text'(7531 bytes)
+ Disassembling function main@0x400144
* Analysing 3398 instructions at (0x400144)
400144: 55 push rbp
400145: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
400147: b9 04 00 00 00 mov ecx, 4
40014c: 53 push rbx
40014d: 48 81 ec 18 04 00 00 sub rsp, 0x418
400154: 48 89 e7 mov rdi, rsp
400157: 48 8d 6c 24 10 lea rbp, qword ptr [rsp + 0x10]
40015c: f3 ab rep stosd dword ptr [rdi], eax
40015e: bf b0 1e 40 00 mov edi, 0x401eb0 # <.rodata> 401eb0(.rodata+0) : '0x00sec Easter Challenge'
400163: e8 4d 05 00 00 call <func_4006b5> # <func_4006b5> 4006b5(.text+0x571)
400168: bf c9 1e 40 00 mov edi, 0x401ec9 # 401ec9(.rodata+19) : 'Enter Password: '
40016d: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
40016f: e8 82 04 00 00 call <func_4005f6> # <func_4005f6> 4005f6(.text+0x4b2)
400174: 48 8b 15 a5 2e 20 00 mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x202ea5] # 603020(.data+20) : '00`'
40017b: be 00 04 00 00 mov esi, 0x400
400180: 48 89 ef mov rdi, rbp
400183: e8 fb 03 00 00 call <func_400583> # <func_400583> 400583(.text+0x43f)
400188: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
40018a: 48 83 c9 ff or rcx, 0xffffffffffffffff
40018e: 48 89 ef mov rdi, rbp
400191: f2 ae repne scasb al, byte ptr [rdi]
400193: ba 10 00 00 00 mov edx, 0x10
400198: 48 89 ee mov rsi, rbp
40019b: 48 89 e7 mov rdi, rsp
40019e: 48 f7 d1 not rcx
4001a1: c6 44 0c 0e 00 mov byte ptr [rsp + rcx + 0xe], 0
4001a6: e8 46 03 00 00 call <func_4004f1> # <func_4004f1> 4004f1(.text+0x3ad)
4001ab: 48 89 e7 mov rdi, rsp
4001ae: e8 a9 00 00 00 call <func_40025c> # <func_40025c> 40025c(.text+0x118)
4001b3: 85 c0 test eax, eax
4001b5: b9 08 00 00 00 mov ecx, 8
4001ba: 74 13 je <l0> # 4001cf(.text+0x8b)
4001bc: ba 3a 00 00 00 mov edx, 0x3a # ':'
4001c1: be 10 30 60 00 mov esi, 0x603010 # 603010(.data+10) : 0x1df32e0
4001c6: 48 8b 3d 3b 2e 20 00 mov rdi, qword ptr [rip + 0x202e3b] # 603008(.data+8) : 0x1df32d8
4001cd: eb 11 jmp <l1> # 4001e0(.text+0x9c)
4001cf: 48 8b 3d 2a 2e 20 00 mov rdi, qword ptr [rip + 0x202e2a] # <.data> 603000(.data+0) : 0x1df32d0
4001d6: ba 19 00 00 00 mov edx, 0x19
4001db: be 10 30 60 00 mov esi, 0x603010 # 603010(.data+10) : 0x1df32e0
4001e0: e8 29 00 00 00 call <func_40020e> # <func_40020e> 40020e(.text+0xca)
4001e5: 48 81 c4 18 04 00 00 add rsp, 0x418
4001ec: 5b pop rbx
4001ed: 5d pop rbp
4001ee: c3 ret
+ Stopped after finding symbol '__entry_point' (43 instructions)
Let’s start making some assumptions to narrow down the interesting part of the program. The first function call receives as first parameter (the value of register RDI
) a welcome string. Then the next function call does the same to print a prompt for the password. Both functions are different… probably one is printf
and the other is puts
… actually we do not care for the time being. Let’s rename them to maybe_printf
and maybe_printf1
Following the same reasoning, the third function will probably be a fgets
as the first parameter is a local variable in the stack (actually is the bottom of the stack RSP
). After renaming then the initial part of the program will look like this:
400144: 55 push rbp
400145: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
400147: b9 04 00 00 00 mov ecx, 4
40014c: 53 push rbx
40014d: 48 81 ec 18 04 00 00 sub rsp, 0x418
400154: 48 89 e7 mov rdi, rsp
400157: 48 8d 6c 24 10 lea rbp, qword ptr [rsp + 0x10]
40015c: f3 ab rep stosd dword ptr [rdi], eax
40015e: bf b0 1e 40 00 mov edi, 0x401eb0 # <.rodata> 401eb0(.rodata+0) : '0x00sec Easter Challenge'
400163: e8 4d 05 00 00 call <maybe_printf> # <maybe_printf> 4006b5(.text+0x571)
400168: bf c9 1e 40 00 mov edi, 0x401ec9 # 401ec9(.rodata+19) : 'Enter Password: '
40016d: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
40016f: e8 82 04 00 00 call <maybe_printf1> # <maybe_printf1> 4005f6(.text+0x4b2)
400174: 48 8b 15 a5 2e 20 00 mov rdx, qword ptr [rip + 0x202ea5] # 603020(.data+20) : '00`'
40017b: be 00 04 00 00 mov esi, 0x400
400180: 48 89 ef mov rdi, rbp
400183: e8 fb 03 00 00 call <maybe_fgets> # <maybe_fgets> 400583(.text+0x43f)
This looks very reasonable, so, for the time being, we will continue. We will find out later if we have to come back and look into those function in more detail, but I can tell you right now, that this is not the case.
Going on
Just after, the function that we have renamed as maybe_fgets
, there is a block of code just before the next function call. Well, that is actually an strlen
, but for the shake of our own enlightenment let’s rip it off.
400188: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
40018a: 48 83 c9 ff or rcx, 0xffffffffffffffff
40018e: 48 89 ef mov rdi, rbp
400191: f2 ae repne scasb al, byte ptr [rdi]
First we set EAX
to 0
. As you know, this is the value that indicates the end of the a string in C. In other words, the value we have to look for to calculate the length of the string. Then we set RCX
to -1. We will discuss this in a sec. Finally we set RDI
to RBP
. If you double check again the maybe_fgets
call just before, you will see that the first parameter is actually RDP
… so we are effectively setting RDI
to the memory address where the user input has been stored.
Then, the next instruction is the one that does all the magic. Let’s look at it in detail.
repne scasb al, byte ptr [rdi]
The repne
is a instruction modifier for strings operations, and scasb
is one of those string operations supported by Intel processors. When the repne
modifier is used, the next instruction (scansb
in this case) will be repeated while the content of RDI
and the value of AL
are different (NE
stands for NonEqual
As you can figure out by now, there are different repXX
modifiers depending on the condition we are interested on.
But, repXX
modifier does a few more things. Every time the instruction is repeated, two things happens at the same time. The RCX
register is decreased and the RDI
register is increased. There are other string operations that also makes use of RSI
and in addition to the two operation we have just mentioned, RSI
is also increased.
stands for Destination Index andRSI
stand for Source Index. Intel processor traditionally have assigned special powers to certain registers
In this specific case we will be scanning (SCAn String Byte
) the memory pointed by RDI
until the flag Z is set (this is the ne
non-equal condition on rep). This may happen because RCX
becomes 0 (and this is the reason why we start with the largest possible value for RCX
, i.e. -1) or because we’ve found a byte with the same value than AL
(that is 0 in this case).
Whenever the condition is satisfied, we have to convert the value stored on RCX
, as we haven been counting negative numbers. What we need to do is inverted again with a not
operation to get the absolute value of out counter, and subtract 1 in order to obtain the actual length of the string. I’m not going to explain this, but you can take a look to this (Two's complement - Wikipedia) to get better understand why.
So, if we consider the last mov
, what all this code actually does is:
buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0
OK, this may not be that obvious, so take a look to this line, the one actually writing the 0 at the end of the string:
mov byte ptr [rsp + rcx + 0xe], 0
If you look at the beginning of our main function
you will find this line:
lea rbp, qword ptr [rsp + 0x10]
This means that RSP
and RBP
are 0x10
bytes away. If we index against RSP
instead of RBP
, the we add RCX
(that actually contains strlen(string) + 1
) and we decrement this by 1 we can conclude that:
RBP + strlen - 1 =
(RSP + 0x10) + (RCX - 1) - 1 = RSP +RCX + 0xe
Now that we fully understand this piece of code, we find a new function to tackle. You should be able to deal with it by yourself… I can tell you it is a strncpy
Checking the Password
Finally we get to the function that checks the password: func_40025c
. Let’s rename it to check_password
, and let’s take a look:
40025c: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
40025e: 48 83 c9 ff or rcx, 0xffffffffffffffff
400262: 48 89 fa mov rdx, rdi
400265: f2 ae repne scasb al, byte ptr [rdi]
400267: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
400269: 48 83 f9 f6 cmp rcx, 0xf6
40026d: 75 27 jne <l4> # 400296(.text+0x152)
40026f: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
400271: 0f b6 0c 02 movzx ecx, byte ptr [rdx + rax]
400275: 0f b6 b0 10 30 60 00 movzx esi, byte ptr [rax + 0x603010] # 603010(.data+10) : 0x6a42e0
40027c: 83 e9 30 sub ecx, 0x30 # '0'
40027f: 39 ce cmp esi, ecx
400281: 75 10 jne <l5> # 400293(.text+0x14f)
400283: 48 ff c0 inc rax
400286: 48 83 f8 08 cmp rax, 8
40028a: 75 e5 jne <l6> # 400271(.text+0x12d)
40028c: b8 01 00 00 00 mov eax, 1
400291: eb 03 jmp <l4> # 400296(.text+0x152)
400293: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
400295: c3 ret
400296: c3 ret
+ Stopped after finding symbol 'func_400297' (20 instructions)
Not bad… uhm?. OK, you should now recognize the code at the beginning of the function… Don’t we?. No?. Fine, just go back to the previous section and read it again.
The only difference here is that the RCX
is not fully converted to the string length… the comparison is done against the lower byte of the negative number… The compiler just saves a few instructions there (a not
and a sub
or dec
Now that we know the length is right, we can go into a typical loop. I think you can really understand this code by now, so I will just add some brief comment at each line:
xor eax, eax ; EAX = 0 This is our loop counter
movzx ecx, byte ptr [rdx + rax] ; ECX = [RDX + RAX] = user_input[rax]
movzx esi, byte ptr [rax + 0x603010] ; ESI = [603010 + RAX] = some_data[rax]
sub ecx, 0x30 ; ECX= ECX = '0' (ASCII 2 NUMBER)
cmp esi, ecx ; if ECX != ESI
jne <l5> ; return 0
inc rax ; RAX++
cmp rax, 8 ; if RAX != 8)
jne <l6> ; continue
mov eax, 1 ; else
jmp <l4> ; return 1
What translated into C will lead to something like this
for (RAX = 0; RAX < 8; RAX++)
if ((user_input[RAX] - '0') != password[RAX]) return 0;
return 1;
This was really straightforward… wasn’t it?.. Our password is actually at 0x603010
… So let’s take a look with STAN:
STAN] > mem.dump x 603010 8
+ Dumping 8 items from segment '.data'
0x603010 : 08 05 02 01 03 02 07 09 |........
There you go, the password is : 85213279
… Let’s try:
0x00sec Easter Challenge
Enter Password: 85213279
Well done. But... this is not the bean you have to grind!
What?.. what does this mean?
The idea was that the message above will be a hint to keep looking for something more. There are a couple more hints on the comments in the original challenge to lead you into the path of looking farther.
So, let’s take a closest look to the file… strings
is our best friend:
$ strings eo
OK… we see some strings in there that suggest it may be some Java code hidden. So, it looks like we have to grind some coffee beans (I’m afraid the hint wasn’t that good after all ). Alternatively you could also have run binwalk
and get a result like this:
$ binwalk eo
0 0x0 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
12824 0x3218 LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x24, dictionary size: 16777216 bytes, uncompressed size: 33554432 bytes
12952 0x3298 LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x36, dictionary size: 16777216 bytes, uncompressed size: 50331648 bytes
13080 0x3318 LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x41, dictionary size: 16777216 bytes, uncompressed size: 805306368 bytes
13208 0x3398 Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, name: "META-INF/"
13269 0x33D5 Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, name: "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
13425 0x3471 Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, name: "e3/E3.class"
14450 0x3872 Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, name: "e3/S.class"
15374 0x3C0E End of Zip archive
So… it looks like there is a jar file inside the binary, this is a ZIP file containing a MANIFEST
and some Java class files… Jar files are pretty cool because they can be anywhere and Java is able to find them and run them… Let’s try:
$ java -jar eo
WoW… another password to crack!!!.. We are so lucky
#This is a lot easier
Yes, there is another challenge inside the challenge, but this time is Java. Let’s grab a decompiler and hope the bytecode has not been obfuscated ;).
I just quickly google it and found JD-GUI. There are probably better options but I do not do much Java reversing so I cannot really propose a better candidate. This one worked just fine. Let’s download it and give it a try.
$ curl | tar xz
$ ./jd-gui
OK… jd-gui
cannot directly open the binary, so we better extract it. We can use the flag -e
(for extract) with binwalk
(you will get a bit of crap in the folder) or just unzip
the binary. You can also be c00l and actually extract the Jar/ZIP file. Let’s see how to do this just for the LuLz
Zip files starts with the characters PK
, so we have to look for that characters. We will use xxd
because what we need is the offset inside the file where the zip file starts.
$ xxd eo | grep PK | head -1
0003390: 0000 0000 0000 0000 504b 0304 1400 0800 ........PK......
So the offset is 3390 + 8
in hexadecimal. Converting it to decimal we get the value 13208
… Now just dd
$ dd if=eo bs=1 skip=13208 count=1M
I just used a count
of 1Megabyte to dump everything after the beginning of the ZIP mark (because the file is smaller than that). You may try to calculate the end of the file… and provide a specific count
. I leave this as an exercise to you to sharp your spec reading skills . In this case the ZIP file has been attached to the end of the file so just giving a big
value works fine.
After that you can open the java code in your preferred decompiler and you will get a clean Java source code.
Now it is up to you to interpret the code… it should be pretty straightforward. You will need to do some operations with the numbers you will find in the Java source… but that should be easy for you… it is just Java code…
Well, this was it… a easter egg challenge in a challenge :)… and whenever you crack that easter egg… well, you could cook a pie or an omelette.
Let’s finish this paper with some conclusions.
- We have learned a bit about string operations in assembler. Probably many of you already mastered this but I believe some newbies may have learned something
- We have also learned that following a systematic approach may save us some time. Check your binary before jumping into the assembly. Use
, pay attention to the sections and segments reported byreadelf
, look for strange permissions or non-matching sizes,… - We have also learned that STAN rocks!
In case you want to take a look to the binary using STAN, you can use the following STAN case file. Remember just open the binary with STAN and then load the case with case.load filename
C:0x40019e:RCX = strlen (user_input) + 1
C:0x4001a1:user_input[strlen(user_input) - 1] = 0 -> chomp
C:0x40026d:Exits if length of strings is different 8 (-1 0xfff... -8 = 0xfff...f6)
C:0x400275:mem.dump x 603010 8 -> 08 05 02 01 03 02 07 09
C:0x40027c:Convert ASCII to int for numbers
C:0x400286:Loop from 0 to 8 using RAX as counter
C:0x40028c:Return 1 on success... we have completed the 8 iterations
Hack Fun