Project for bachelor degree in software engineering and useful for CyberSecurity

Some time ago, my colleague and I decided to write a project for engineering work(Bachelor degree) at the end of my studies. But after a while, my friend stopped talking and act very wired and I have a problem because I can not finish the project for myself.

Can you recommend a project for a bachelor degree, so that it would be related to security, monitoring environments such as banking environments and detecting threats coming from outside? I will be grateful for every hint.

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You could make a network analyzer, which will monitor the traffic and based on types pf requests and packets you can program to detect and predict potential threats!
You could work on solutions for wifi deauth attack problems, that would be neat.

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Pretty broad. What things are you good at, do something that shows off your skills.

How about fraud analyze based for banking transaction? Maybe you can use Machine Learning and sample data from a bank for classification and training.

For general, how about log parsing or visualization such as kibana? Maybe you can customize with your preference.

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