Roadmap to get started

Hi there,

I might have run into a problem here and hope to see responses of you awesome guys
These packets you’re looking at originated from a system in some remote part of India, which belongs to a high-schooler struggling to learn hacking (so, as you might imagine, no one is here who can actually guide me or help me)…I have started reading “Hacking: The Art of Exploitation” by “Jon Ericson” and also, I am reading random research papers on anything I might find interesting, related to infosec…
I have been developing some tools lately, for fun and learning, but since the past few weeks I haven’t really coded anything…and when I think about a project my mind is full of everything, hardware hacking, crypto, post-exploitation, et cetera…my curiosity doesn’t let me work on ONE thing and finish it to the end…
I’m looking for some projects to work on, which can help me pave my way to a point where I have a thorough knowledge of the world of cybersecurity…at least to the point where I am an expert of network hacking, reverse engineering, memory corruption and crypto…
I know what you experts would regard as good projects to learn from would obviously escalate way above what I think of
I would love difficult projects, because whenever I threw myself a hard project I learnt a great deal once I completed it…so I was just wondering of you guys could help me with that
Oh, and here ifs my GitHub that contains some projects I have worked on…I have created a keylogger in Python, Network Recon tools in C and some backdooring tools in Python
Thanks :slight_smile:

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