I hope you are all doing well. I am currently working on a project for educational purposes and would like to learn more about writing a malware builder. While I understand the concerns and ethical implications associated with malware, I believe that understanding its mechanics can help improve security measures. I am not interested in engaging in any malicious activities, but rather in expanding my knowledge about cybersecurity.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could guide me on the process of creating a malware builder or provide resources to help me get started. I am interested in understanding the techniques used, the underlying code, and the potential countermeasures. My intention is solely for educational purposes and to learn how to defend against such threats effectively.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
Well, You’ve got to know precisely what you’re building. It’s not just about calling it a ‘malware builder’ and leaving it at that. You need to be crystal clear. This is the first lesson you pick up in the world of malware. You can’t just leap straight into developing a Malware Builder if you’re keen on getting into malware development. You’ve got to start with the baby steps, which means understanding things like processes, threads, and handles, and getting a grip on some basic API functions.
Maybe you’ve dipped your toes into obfuscation, shellcode injection, and played around with syscalls a couple of times. The key here is to start by writing some code, And if you’ve got a generous heart and want to create a malware kit or builder for the ‘skiddies’ out there, well, why not give it a shot?
I think you will get an answer if you ask an actual question related to building it. Most builders write to the a section on the .exe file and read from it. I also saw an interesting method that uses python templates