Show off your setup!

Hm ok. Let me see…

Beautiful setup man! I am really digging this powerline theme.

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Dudette? ///////////

did you just assume their gender

Nope. I call all genders “man/dude”, it makes it much simpler after there are an apparent 37 genders…


Nice set up. Personally I’ve been using weakerth4n Linux and found it to be rather simpler than Parrot when running recons and so forth; however, I’ve not tried ArchLinux with the configurations you’re using @pry0cc, Do you prefer Arch over Kali? Is it just the themes and the overall configurations along with the modifications you’ve made that make it easier to pentest, code, etc?


I prefer Arch Linux. It’s more stable than Kali and more flexible. I could run i3wm on Kali if I wanted, but I love the Arch base.


Arch is amazing no doubt and flexibility is op among pentesting. Great setup you have there I might give it a try. @pry0cc

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Install Gentoo. Thank me later. Its RMS (Richard Stallman) approved.


@worz Straight up :slight_smile: RMS you say e.e

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Sure which ones? One of them is actuality custom made by @Fust3rCluck

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I’m still grounded. :sob:

Make sure to show me when you’ve got it configured! (If you do)

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Looking great! I noticed you were running 0x00Suite, so if you don’t mind me asking, what is it?

Hey, another WeakerThan user! :grinning:

I personally, religiously crawl WeakNet Labs for latest builds and use that on my server. If for some reason I get locked out though, I’m forced to use a minimal shell only build of Debian.

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Thanks! Yes it’s something JSchmoe is working on. I’m helping to test it and work out the kinks. It’s on the gitlab. It’s essentially a Metasploit clone, but uses the STELF shell and handler rather than meterpreter, which means antivirus doesn’t recognise it at all.

It’s still early days but some really cool stuff is on that gitlab.


I’ll be sure to post some stuff from my weakerth4n setup (and Arch linux once I set it up), although not fully configured it does the job. I’ve been meaning to setup a vpn and proxy to route my traffic and what not.

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Haha, glad to see you enjoy it as much as I do.

Have you seen the WeakNet Academy? Do you think it will be any good and is the price worth it? Personally I think it’s going to be decent but most of it will be pretty much a repetition of what most of us already know, even so, it could be interesting.

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It’s Arch Linux, i3 wm, xfce4-terminal. Everything is described in this blog post


cool setup, and nice to see you back.