Wack sec radio live and podcasted

http://wickedradio.net has streams featuring members of the community on weekend talk shows. great music and live shows are recorded and listed on the wicked radio site and live video stream at http://younow.com/deshimcdorgle most nights. central time 8pm for Wack sec radio.


WATCH OUT FOR FLASH :nauseated_face:


the live video feed requires flash player unless you get the younow mobile app but then you need an account which is free and no ads. the web player on wickedradio.net is html5 and there are shoutcast links depending on the flavor of player you use. the wacksec radio show will air fridays at 8pm central time anytime im in IRC as DeshiMcDorgle you can be assured I am on the radio show on all platforms. I am open to new shows all you need is broadcast software and are not required to go on video that is just something i been doing for a long time.

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