Want to learn Cybersecurity? Here's one of many approaches

Hello everyone! Yesterday I came across a website that offers a lot of educational courses (This courses are only available in Portugal) and one of them caught my atention - “Curso de Técnico Especialista em Cibersegurança” or Techinal Specialist in Cybersecurity Course (the transaltion is a bit off, but you get the point).

In the website, they have a .pdf file that lists the learning programme (all the the subjects and topics that you are going to learn if you take the course). The course lasts for 12 months and 3 of those months are some sort of internship.

Honestly this looks like a great programme with some great subjects to learn about. In this article, I’m going to translate the topics that are present on that .pdf file (since it’s in portugese), in order to help beginners know where to start and also to help people that need a more pragmatic/systematic approach to learn hacking and cybersecurity.

To avoid an extremely long article, I’m simply going to list the main topics without much detail, but if there is any particular topic you are curious/interested about, simply comment bellow, and I’ll reply with a detailed list regarding the subjects discussed on that topic.

Let’s Begin:

  • Professional Ethics and Deontology

  • Probability and Statistics

  • Mathematics

  • Company - Structure and Functions

  • First Concepts on Programming and Algorithms and Control Stuctures of a Computer Program

  • Legislation, Security and Privacy

  • Technical English

  • Programming - Algorithms

  • Database - Concepts

  • Operating Systems (Client)

  • Operating Systems (Server)

  • Hardware and Computer Networks

  • Computer Networks (Advanced)

  • Installation of Local Networks

  • Network Services

  • Netork Management and Customer Support Models

  • Basics of Cybersecurity

  • Evidence Analysis Technologies

  • Introduction to Programming Applied to Cybersecurity

  • Introduction to Evidence Analysis Techniques

  • Vulnerability Analysis - Introduction

  • Vulnerability Analysis - Development

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense

  • Operating Framework for Cybersecurity

  • Active Cybersecurity

  • Wargamming

That’s all! Like I said before, if there is any topic that you’d like to know more about, simply comment the name of the topic and I’ll reply with all the details!


Seems like most of that is covered in the CEH, minus mathematics (unless they mean public key).

Yes, there are HUNDREDS of approaches to learning. The best thing to do is get familiar with ethics, laws, and linux.


Great post!


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  • Develop Information Security procedures according to the type of threats and incidents.

  • Characterize different types of operations in computer networks in the context of cybersecurity and cyber defense.

  • Install and parameterize tools to ensure cyber security and cyber defense in context virtual simulation environment (Cyber Range).


  • Differentiating aspects of cyber security and cyber defense.

  • Strategic and operational impact of cyberthreats.

  • Operations in computer networks:

    [+] Defense

    [+] Attack
    [+] Exploration
  • Critical data identification for organizations.

  • Kill Chain

  • Link between defense and attack

    [+] Prevent

    [+] Detect

    [+] Respond

  • Knowledge of the organization’s networks

  • Defense in depth

  • Defining metrics

  • Development of cybersecurity and cyber defense scenarios

    [+] Construction of narrative of events

    [+] identification of incidents associated with a crisis situation

    [+] Identification of purposes and possible training audience

  • Regulate the use of simulation exercises ("Capture The Flag " and “Red and Blue”)


That sounds AWESOME :grinning:

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I was wondering if you could give me a link to a full translation of this? If not then, I’d like to know:

I would also recommend studying different types of attacks, as well as having a good grip with networking. Programming too, but I suppose that can come later. I mean you need an understanding of something before you can actually program it.

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Here’s the .pdf link, maybe it’s easier if you translate that yourself using any translating service…

As for the ‘Basics of Cybersecurity’, here we go:


  • Identify the basics of cybersecurity.

  • Recognize the different types of Cyber-Threats

  • Recognize the profile and the motive of Cyber Attacks

  • Develop protection mechanisms for the workspace, given the different types of malware


  • Cyber Threats:

    [+] BOTNETs

    [+] Cyber-Espionage

    [+] Cyber Weapons

    [+] Internet Banking

    [+] Mobile Malware

  • Internet Black Market

  • Spam & Phishing

  • Common types of Malware:

    [+] Bankers

    [+] Mobile

    [+] Exploits

    [+] Ransoms

    [+] Spies

  • Modern techniques of threat distribution

  • Cyber Weapons - Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) & Industrial Threats

  • Security against Cyber Threats in the workspace


Thanks for the PDF and info.


Thank you for this great post :slight_smile: Can you upload this pdf another service please. I cant download.

It’s my first time using this service, so please warn me if something goes wrong.

Here’s the link: https://mega.nz/#!XJYygKjZ

I’ll PM you with the Decryption Key

EDIT: If anyone else is interested, please let me know!


You know, you can put the decryption key in the link? It’s much easier then :wink:.

Yeah I know, I was just testing it out, but thanks.
Btw, do you know if this is a good/reliable service or do you recommend anything else?

I for myself use MEGA, because it’s extremely fast, you have much space and it’s completly free :smile:. If you have a look at my articles you’ll see every download link is directing to MEGA :wink:.

And MEGA doesn’t delete nearly illegal stuff, e.g. a very big Cracked games publisher uses it for his games, which could be valuable sometimes… I never had any problems with it.

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I am studying Linux through hackers arise. It seemed like the best place to start. You confirmed that-thank you.

I have a bachelors in Criminal Justice and some courses in Computer Science. I dropped out of Computer Science due to getting straight As without learning a thing. It is too much money and then to merely be handed an A without learning anything. It was disheartening.

Many questions I had were handled with a sweet voice saying “you don’t need to know honey. You’re getting an A”. :frowning: Not cool!

I like people like you guys!!! I get to seriously learn! Thank you so much!!!


Sounds like you and I would get along. Former corrections officer and lifelong nerd. I’m currently learning Linux as well since all I know is Windows. I wish it had been possible to go to school for it but I can’t afford it, for now I will teach myself online like everything else I want to learn.


We sure would get along.
Two sites I recommend! Cybrary.org and Hackers-arise.com

Keep it up! You’ll be there in no time!


I’m on cybrary currently learning a few things. You’re the first to suggest hackers arise. Will check it out, thank you.

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You are most welcome, @Kimo!

me passa a chave de descriptografa ?