What's new in 0x00sec?

I’ve been ghosting a while and haven’t been actively working on anything infosec related for a while (Thanks Udemy) but what kind of projects are underway here?

Possibly mid-july I’ll wrap up my studies and return to working on scripting tools with Python but I’m really not sure. There are so many things to do, from CTFs to CCNA prep to experimenting with every single tool in Kali Linux (Gonna take a while with this one).

I might just open a professional blog and just talk about stuff, but not sure how that would play out. Anyways I’ll try to be more active in this community within the coming month!

_The eyes of man are meant only to see illusions_

Awesome! Great to hear your studies are coming to a close, being able to wrap up your work of several years is surely satisfying.

At the moment we are working towards getting a CTF underway, which should be really good. Afaik, @oaktree is working on minimum spanning trees and a lot of algorithm stuff, meanwhile @unh0lys0da is working on a multi-platform Elun-File injector.

So theres a lot of activity here. @0x00pf is also killing it with his content.

Things are doing really well right now.


The thing is, studies never come to a close.


I’m starting a small series on Malware and I’m going to attempt (if copyright laws allow) to try to make a free open source antivirus. And really regards to @pry0cc with his always nice and informative comments, @oaktree with all his wise and knowledgeable posts and comments, and @0x00pf who is absolutely amazing us all with his wonderful posts. In short I look up to all of you and everyone here. You have all really had a great positive impact on me. Props to @Merozey @Suser and @unh0lys0da as well! Keep up the good work all of you! :smiley: Its really been an honor.


That is something my mentor kept iterating to me. You always need to continue learning.