Description: Powerful framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack
→ sudo wifipumpkin3 -i wlp1s0
_ ___ _____ ___ __ _ ____
| | /| / (_) __(_)___/ _ \__ ____ _ ___ / /__ (_)__ |_ /
| |/ |/ / / _// /___/ ___/ // / ' \/ _ \/ '_// / _ \_/_ <
|__/|__/_/_/ /_/ /_/ \_,_/_/_/_/ .__/_/\_\/_/_//_/____/
codename: nidavellir
Made by: @mh4x0f - P0cL4bs Team | 1.0.0 dev
[*] Session id: 81a4f0cc-7ba5-11ea-84fd-94e979fa917b
Starting prompt...
wp3 >
wifipumpkin3 is powerful framework for rogue access point attack, written in Python, that allow and offer to security researchers, red teamers and reverse engineers to mount a wireless network to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack.
Main Features
- Rogue access point attack
- Man-in-the-middle attack
- Rouge Dns Server
- Captive portal attack (captiveflask)
- Intercept, inspect, modify and replay web traffic
- WiFi networks scanning
- DNS monitoring service
- Credentials harvesting
- Transparent Proxies
- LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner (Responder3)
- and more!