Greetings all,
The forums here look full of great information, very exciting and informative!
I have written a shellcode loader / dropper in C, which uses an encryption scheme and successfully decrypts the payload in memory. The payload bypasses Windows Defender ( Windows 10 is the test environment ) , and i gain a reverse meterpreter shell. The payload i have encrypted is a reverse meterpreter staged payload and like i mentioned, i gain a reverse shell.
When i use certain functions, i.e if you drop into a shell/cmd prompt for example, Windows defender flags it and catches the payload and thus kills the shell.
I do recall a few tutorials and videos mentioning the use of Syswhispers ( i think it was a video on Shhloader and something by F-Secure ) although i cannot find these resources.
Could someone please let me know what i need to look in to , to get this working where by my revershell meterpreter activity is not flagged or caught. I believe it is something to do with the system calls or functions meterpreter uses.
Any help would be greatly appreciated