Your Complete, Un-budgeted Toolkit [Wiki]

Imagine this: You’re a pentester. A long-lost relative has left you a fortune in his will. To keep the money, you have to fulfill just one wish: spend it all on tech (from Amazon, because then you’d be buying a beer or some server time for 0x00sec while still getting some cool stuff for yourself).

If you have a good idea for some machine (from a teensy or PLC to a multi-tonne gadget), put it down below. complete with a link:


This is a wiki guys, so edit this and put it in! Many hands make light work :wink: An addition of one or two items will make this a super useful resource.


Ah damn another wiki page i have to bookmark in case i win the lottery or this fine Nigerian prince is finally sending me these 50 million $

Edit: as of right now all of the amazon links are a dead end and are showing “the dogs of amazon” lel


I like the doggos because I have one myself. Too bad there aren’t any border collies (well except that mixed one).

I added a link to the LOGO! PLC from siemens. They are excellent, and are the best PLC for people that are new to PLC’s. Their possibilities are endless. Also, the newest version (the OBA8) has a web interface and can be controlled over WAN, so maybe that is interesting hacking material?

I also included a book to learn how to program a LOGO!


I’m not sure what is going wrong. They’re all working for me?

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They’re back up now. Amazon was broken for half an hour or so

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Somebody needs to add some drones here… Or RC jumpers we can strap a pi to. Anybody with experience with them?


The phantom 3 looks like it can lift a pi. Not sure about jumpers.

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I’ve just bought hacking the art of exploitation. It’s so good so far.


Did you really buy that?

Yes. Why would I not buy it?

You could tell me and I sent you that for free

Lots of “cool” books on hacking.

Disturbing lack of low-level fundamentals.

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Well, please add some then…

I added an ARM programming/architecture book and some windows internals.

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I think below books can be useful

  1. The_Art_of_Human_Hacking | Social Eng
  2. The-shellcoders-Handbook | Shellcode
  3. Wiley.Android.Hackers.Handbook

And bladerf instead of hackrf


Link them in the Wiki then…

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Some awesome recommendations above. I can see my Amazon basket is going to fill up loads as I go through them during my lunch breaks!

How about pentesting field kits? If you had to take some essential tools out with you what would you take?

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Are every link from “Physical Infiltration Devices” broken?

Stealing the Network: The Complete Series Collector’s Edition, Final Chapter, and DVD :

the art of electronics :

modern operating system : www amazon com/Modern-Operating-Systems-Andrew-Tanenbaum/dp/013359162X