In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.
“.الأفكار تغير طابعك، أما الأفعال فتغير واقعك”
I’ve played lots of classic games as a child, one that I particularly enjoyed was called DOOM, its concept was overly simple:
- Kill monsters that spawn all over the map. (%)
- Collect items. (%)
- Unlock each level’s secret.
But as the saying goes: “There is beauty in simplicity”.
Those days are long gone, and although everything that surrounds me changed, I didn’t.
I guess few things never vanish.
Note: I might do things wrong, but it’s all for fun anyway !
And so it all began
The shareware is available to download from ModDB.
I started off by playing the game for a while, it reminded me of the implemented movement system.
The left/right arrow-keys allow screen rotation.
While up/down keys render forward and backward moves possible.
In order to look for the Image’s entry point, I used WinDBG and attached to Doom95.exe process.
As you may have noticed, I’m running on a 64-bit machine.
But the executable is 32-bit:
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER’s lfanew holds the Offset to the PE signature.
The field next to “PE\x00\x00” is called ‘Machine’, a USHORT indicating its type.
so I proceeded to switch to x86 mode using wow64exts.
I then looked-up “Doom” within loaded modules, and used $iment to extract the specified module’s entry point.
0:011:x86> lm m Doom*
start end module name
00400000 00690000 Doom95 C (no symbols)
10000000 10020000 Doomlnch C (export symbols) Doomlnch.dll
0:011:x86> ? $iment(00400000)
Evaluate expression: 4474072 = 004444d8
Jumping to that address in IDA reveals the function of interest: _WinMain.
The search for parts with beneficial information started.
push eax ; nHeight
add edx, ebx
push edx ; nWidth
push 0 ; Y
push 0 ; X
push 0x80CA0000 ; dwStyle
push offset WindowName ; "Doom 95"
push offset ClassName ; "Doom95Class"
push 0x40000 ; dwExStyle
call cs:CreateWindowExA
The static WindowName used by the call will result in our fast retrieval of Doom’s PID.
The combination of FindWindow() and GetWindowThreadProcessId() makes this possible.
HWND DoomWindow;
DoomWindow = FindWindow(NULL, _T("Doom 95"));
if (! DoomWindow)
goto out;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(DoomWindow, &PID);
printf("PID: %d\n", PID);
return 0;
The next thing that caught my eye in the _WinMain procedure were the following lines.
mov edi, 1
mov eax, ds:dword_60B00C
xor ebp, ebp
mov ds:dword_60B450, edi
mov ds:dword_4775CC, ebp
cmp eax, edi
jz short loc_43AFB8
call cs:GetCurrentThreadId
push eax ; dwThreadId
mov edx, ds:hInstance
push edx ; hmod
push offset fn ; lpfn
push 2 ; idHook
call cs:SetWindowsHookExA
mov ds:hhk, eax
The function SetWindowsHookEx installs a hook(fn) within the current thread to monitor System Events. This example specifically uses an idHook that equals 2, which according to MSDN refers to WH_KEYBOARD.
The callback function has the documented KeyboardProc prototype. It captures the Virtual-Key code in wParam.
On top of that, the fn function invokes GetAsyncKeyState to check if a specific key is pressed too:
The function that handles arrow-keys is sub_442A90.
mov ebx, [esp+2Ch+v14]
mov edx, [esp+2Ch+lParam]
mov eax, esi
call sub_442A90
Player information
Our ignorance of the structure stored within memory puts us at a disadvantage.
In order to find where Health is mainly stored, I’ll be using Cheat Engine with the assumption that it is a DWORD(4 bytes): “\x64\x00\x00\x00”.
I’ll then proceed to get the character damaged, and ‘Next Scan’ for the new value.
We end up with 5 different pointers.
The last one is of a black color, meaning that it is a dynamic address, modifying it doesn’t result in any observable change.
Others are clearly static, modifying 3/4 of them leads to restoring the original value, which meant that the 1/4 left is the parent, and the rest just copy its value.
00482538: Health that appear on the screen.
03682944: A promising address because it is not updated with the parent.
Health is stored in two different locations, which means one is nothing but a decoy.
I set the first one’s value to 1, and then got attacked by a monster.
The result is:
The value that appears on the screen hangs at 0, and the character doesn’t die.
While the second kept decreasing on each attack, meaning that it effectively held the real value.
We need to inspect the memory region by selecting the value and clicking CTRL+B.
We can change the Display Type from Byte hex to 4 Byte hex.
This is easier to work with, I started searching for the closest pointer in a limited range, and it turned out to be 3682A24.
We then goto address to see its content:
Notice that the Object’s health is empty, and that the struct holds a Backward and Forward link at its start.
A spark
The idea that saved me a lot of time!
CHEAT CODES, I was both happy and shocked to find out that they really existed!
DOOMWiki includes messages that appear on detection of each message.
Two commands were exceptional because of the information they manipulate.
The magical keywords: “ang=” and “BY REQUEST…”.
The first one’s usage occurs in:
mov eax, offset off_4669BC
movsx edx, byte ptr [ebp+4]
call sub_414E50
test eax, eax
jz short loc_4327D4
mov edx, ds:dword_482A7C
lea eax, ds:0[edx*8]
add eax, edx
lea eax, ds:0[eax*4]
sub eax, edx
mov eax, ds:dword_482518[eax*8]
mov ebx, [eax+10h]
push ebx
mov ecx, [eax+0Ch]
push ecx
mov esi, [eax+20h]
push esi
push offset aAng0xXXY0xX0xX ; "ang=0x%x;x,y=(0x%x,0x%x)"
push offset unk_5F2758
call sprintf_
This is important and worthy to be added to our CE Table.
A struct layout is also to be concluded:
@) +0x10: y
@) + 0xC: x
@) +0x20: angle
I immediately noticed the missing Z coordinate.
I knew it existed, I mean, there’s stairs. (Hey, don’t laugh! )
I ended up realizing that it is at +0x14 after a few tests. (Up and down we go.)
I knew that even if the enemy is on a different altitude: The shot still hits, and so I ignored Z.
X, Y and Angle on the other hand are majorly important because of distance calculation and angle measurement.
The values they held look weird, are they floats?
No, doesn’t look like it. All I knew for now is that the view changes upon modification.
Moving on to the second:
mov eax, offset off_466898
movsx edx, byte ptr [ebp+4]
call sub_414E50
test eax, eax
jz short loc_43255E
mov eax, ds:dword_5F274C
mov dword ptr [eax+0D8h], offset aByRequest___ ; "By request..."
call sub_420C50
jmp loc_4326BA
We can see that it only passes execution to sub_420C50, and that’s where the magic happens.
sub_420C50 proc near
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
mov esi, ds:dword_484CFC
cmp esi, offset dword_484CF8
jz short loc_420C92
cmp dword ptr [esi+8], offset sub_4250D0
jnz short loc_420C87
test byte ptr [esi+6Ah], 40h
jz short loc_420C87
cmp dword ptr [esi+6Ch], 0
jle short loc_420C87
mov ecx, 2710h
mov eax, esi
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx
call sub_422370
mov esi, [esi+4]
cmp esi, offset dword_484CF8
jnz short loc_420C62
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
sub_420C50 endp
We can see that it traverses a list of Objects, starting with [484CFC] and ending if the Forward link(+4) equals 484CF8.
The inclusion of Player Object in the list indicates that it contains all available Entities.
The three checks there are:
[Entity + 0x08] == 0x4250D0
[Entity + 0x6A] & 0x40
[Entity + 0x6C] > 0
I was curious on what the Player Object held at those Offsets:
@) + 0x8: Function pointer(Pass).
@) +0x6A: Byte(Error), seems like IsMonster check.
@) +0x6C: Health(Pass).
A small mistake
“Did anyone do this before?”, I wondered.
So I searched for:
intext:“ang=0x%x;x,y=(0x%x,0x%x)” doom
And well, I found out that the source code was available.
At first I was mad, because I spent about 3 to 4 days to get the results previously stated. But, hey! I needed more information anyway, and this was an easy road showing up.
So the structure we look for is defined in d_player.h, the interesting element’s name is mo.
// Extended player object info: player_t
typedef struct player_s
mobj_t* mo;
Its nature is mobj_t, declared in p_mobj.h.
// Map Object definition.
typedef struct mobj_s
// List: thinker links.
thinker_t thinker;
// Info for drawing: position.
fixed_t x;
fixed_t y;
fixed_t z;
// More list: links in sector (if needed)
struct mobj_s* snext;
struct mobj_s* sprev;
//More drawing info: to determine current sprite.
angle_t angle; // orientation
The size of thinker_t is: sizeof(PVOID) * 3 = 4 * 3 = 12.
Then comes X, Y and Z at (0x0C, 0x10, 0x14).
Two pointers @0x18 are ignored(4 * 2 = 8).
Angle is at 0x20.
int health;
// Movement direction, movement generation (zig-zagging).
int movedir; // 0-7
int movecount; // when 0, select a new dir
// Thing being chased/attacked (or NULL),
// also the originator for missiles.
struct mobj_s* target;
The target element is interesting, it supposedly holds a pointer to the Map Object being attacked!
Calculating its offset isn’t that hard, because we know that Health is at 0x6C.
FIELD_OFFSET(mobj_t, target) = 0x6C + sizeof(int) * 3 = 0x78.
The following line in r_local.h indicates that there’s a lookup table/function for Angles, explaining why there’s weird values therein.
// Binary Angles, sine/cosine/atan lookups.
#include "tables.h"
It’s time to see what the target element holds for us!
Since I just started up the game, its value is NULL.
Attacking or getting attacked by a monster leads to a value change.
But there is no update after killing the monster, hmmm.
The health is the only indicator of death if it is <= 0.
And that’s not the only problem:
Attacking a second Monster doesn’t result in any change occuring.
Since I want it to be regularly updated, I had to find a way around it.
I restarted Doom95.exe, selected the Pointer to Player’s Target and:
We can now start fighting an enemy:
This is the instruction responsible for writing to the Player’s Target element.
Going back a little in disassembly window, there are some simple checks:
Is the Target NULL? Is it equal to the Player itself?
The origin of EBX register is the selected instruction, and its location is: 00422684.
All I had to do is find a location where to place a JMP 422684.
I ended up choosing 0042264F:
The sequence of bytes turns from {0x7D, 0x1C} to {0xEB, 0x33}, we aren’t destroying any instructions after it.
Let’s now see if it changes on each attack:
Monster #1:
Monster #2:
Last piece of the puzzle
Monsters could accurately aim at my character.
I knew a function responsible for angle measurement existed, I just had to find it.
After a few hours searching, I ended up looking in p_enemy.c;
boolean P_CheckMeleeRange (mobj_t* actor)
mobj_t* pl;
fixed_t dist;
if (!actor->target)
return false;
pl = actor->target;
dist = P_AproxDistance (pl->x-actor->x, pl->y-actor->y);
if (dist >= MELEERANGE-20*FRACUNIT+pl->info->radius)
return false;
if (! P_CheckSight (actor, actor->target) )
return false;
return true;
A collection of interesting functions!
And the most promising one:
R_PointToAngle2(), and its definition is the following:
( fixed_t x1,
fixed_t y1,
fixed_t x2,
fixed_t y2 )
viewx = x1;
viewy = y1;
return R_PointToAngle (x2, y2);
I knew the Player’s X, Y were read right before invokation. I used this information to trace the calls and watched for accesses:
Once a monster aims at us, we get results:
I started with those with the least hit-count at the middle.
The second one looks like the thing we’re looking for!
It prepares to call 0042DB10 by loading the Target in EAX and storing its (X, Y) coordinates in EBX and ECX, while EAX and EDX hold those of the monster.
We can deduce that it is a __fastcall.
Disassembling the function shows:
Looks familiar!
It is R_PointToAngle2() @ 0042DB10 !
With that in mind, locating this function is made easier.
// A_FaceTarget
void A_FaceTarget (mobj_t* actor)
if (!actor->target)
actor->flags &= ~MF_AMBUSH;
actor->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (actor->x,
if (actor->target->flags & MF_SHADOW)
actor->angle += (P_Random()-P_Random())<<21;
I’ll just use IDA.
Looks like it, it starts by returning if Target is NULL, then ANDs [Monster+0x68] with 0xDF. What’s sad, is that I was looking at it since the beginning in CE, welp .
A_FaceTarget is at 0041F670.
The making
All that we’ve learned about the game will allow us to start wrapping things in C++.
Let’s create ADoom.h:
#ifndef __ADOOM_H__
#define __ADOOM_H__
class ADoom {
And ADoom.c:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "ADoom.h"
throw std::runtime_error("Can't open process!");
int main()
HWND DoomWindow;
DoomWindow = FindWindow(NULL, _T("Doom 95"));
if (! DoomWindow) goto out;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(DoomWindow, &PID);
ADoom DAim(PID);
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { };
while (1)
return 0;
I’ll create functions that read(rM)/write(wM) to the process memory by extending both the header and source file.
We are going to use two WINAPI calls for that purpose: ReadProcessMemory() and WriteProcessMemory().
| | | | |
template<typename ReadType>
ReadType rM(DWORD, DWORD);
template<typename ReadType>
ReadType ADoom::rM(DWORD RAddress, DWORD Offset)
ReadType Result;
PVOID External = reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(RAddress + Offset);
ReadProcessMemory(DH, External, &Result, sizeof(Result), NULL);
return Result;
BOOL ADoom::wM(DWORD RAddress, PVOID LAddress, SIZE_T Size)
BOOL Status = FALSE;
PVOID External = reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(RAddress);
if (WriteProcessMemory(DH, External, LAddress, Size, NULL))
Status = TRUE;
return Status;
Let’s check if Player’s Object manipulation is possible:
ADoom DAim(PID);
DWORD Corrupt = 0x12345678, Player, PPlayer = 0x482518;
Player = DAim.rM<DWORD>(PPlayer, 0);
printf("Player Object @ %lX\n", Player);
DAim.wM(PPlayer, &Corrupt, sizeof(Corrupt));
puts("Corrupted the Player Object.");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { }
The Doom95.exe process crashes, success.
We have to apply the 2 byte patch and keep an eye on the Player’s Target value.
ADoom DAim(PID);
BYTE Patch[2] = {0xEB, 0x33};
DWORD PAddress = 0x42264F;
DWORD Player, PPlayer = 0x482518;
int THealth;
DWORD OTarget = 0, Target;
Player = DAim.rM<DWORD>(PPlayer, 0);
printf("Player Object @ %lX\n", Player);
printf("Applying Patch @ %lX\n", PAddress);
DAim.wM(PAddress, &Patch[0], sizeof(Patch));
while (true)
Target = DAim.rM<DWORD>(Player, 0x78);
// Are we currently engaging the enemy?
if (Target != 0)
// If yes, is it already dead?
THealth = DAim.rM<int>(Target, 0x6C);
if (THealth <= 0)
Uniqueness check.
if (! OTarget || OTarget != Target)
printf("Current Target @ %lX\n", Target);
OTarget = Target;
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { }
So far so good, we are making progress.
At first, I totally forgot about the Health check, and it kept aiming at the dead Monster.
It is time to use our knowledge about A_FaceTarget(0041F670).
It takes an mobj_t * argument in EAX, and performs a single check(EAX->target != NULL) before calculating and storing the correct angle, this is a minimum of work on our side.
All is left to do, is creating a reliable function and storing/running it in the remote thread.
VOID _declspec(naked) Reliable(VOID)
__asm {
mov eax, 0x482518 // Load PPlayer in EAX
mov eax, [eax] // Load Player Object in EAX
mov edi, 0x41F670 // Indicate the FP(A_FaceTarget)
call edi // Call it
We can compile the executable and load it up in IDA.
Hex-view is synchronized with Disassembly-view, so selecting the first ‘mov’ is all we have to do.
That is our function!
BYTE Payload[] = {0xB8, 0x18, 0x25, 0x48, 0x00, 0x8B, 0x00,
0xBF, 0x70, 0xF6, 0x41, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xD7,
DWORD PSize = sizeof(Payload);
With that done, we need a location to write it to, it needs to be Executable/Readable and Writeable too.
In order to get it, we will call VirtualAllocEx().
We have to specify flProtect as PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.
Another helper function will be called aM short for allocate Memory.
DWORD ADoom::aM(SIZE_T Size)
LPVOID RAddress = VirtualAllocEx(DH, NULL, Size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,
DWORD Cast = reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(RAddress);
return Cast;
And then there should be a function to spawn a Thread in Doom95.exe process.
We’ll be using CreateRemoteThread(), and wait for it to terminate using WaitForSingleObject().
| |
It’ll be called sT.
RT = CreateRemoteThread(DH, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) FPtr,
WaitForSingleObject(RT, INFINITE);
That’s all we need, now we can implement the whole loop:
ADoom DAim(PID);
BYTE Patch[2] = {0xEB, 0x33};
DWORD PAddress = 0x42264F;
BYTE Payload[] = {0xB8, 0x18, 0x25, 0x48, 0x00, 0x8B, 0x00,
0xBF, 0x70, 0xF6, 0x41, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xD7,
DWORD Location, PSize = sizeof(Payload);
DWORD PPlayer = 0x482518, Player, Target;
int THealth;
An unconditional JMP instruction that allows Player->target
to be updated on every attack.
printf("Applying Patch @ %lX\n", PAddress);
DAim.wM(PAddress, Patch, sizeof(Patch));
printf("Allocating Memory(%d)\n", PSize);
Location = DAim.aM(PSize);
printf("Storing Function @ %lX\n", Location);
DAim.wM(Location, Payload, PSize);
puts("[0x00sec] Aimbot starting.");
while (TRUE)
Player = DAim.rM<DWORD>(PPlayer, 0);
Target = DAim.rM<DWORD>(Player, 0x78);
// Did any enemy attack us?
if (Target != 0)
// If yes, is it still alive?
THealth = DAim.rM<int>(Target, 0x6C);
if (THealth > 0)
// Aim at it.
} catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { }
And it works!
It took many attempts to get to the final product, but it certainly was fun!
I could not include pictures or GIFs from the game because I didn’t find a way to do it, for that, I apologize.
Lots of modifications were made to guarantee reliability, an example would be the Player object is updated on two events: Death/Level Change.
And I also got rid of some functions such as:
VOID GetMonsters(vector<DWORD> *M, HANDLE Proc)
DWORD First = 0x484CFC, Last = 0x484CF8;
int MHealth;
UCHAR IsMonster;
First = rM<DWORD>(First, Proc);
Last = rM<DWORD>(Last, Proc);
do {
IsMonster = rM<UCHAR>(First + 0x6A, Proc);
MHealth = rM<int>(First + 0x6C, Proc);
// Is it a monster and is it alive?
if ((IsMonster & 0x40) && (MHealth > 0))
} while ((First = rM<DWORD>(First + 4, Proc)) != Last);
I didn’t even need to include <cmath> in the end!
~ exploit