For those interested in robotics and following from Robot Vulnerability Scoring System (RVSS) and Robot hacking: the Robot Security Framework (RSF), I’m happy to share a recent work we’ve made available called the Robotics CTF (or simple RCTF for short):
The Robotics CTF is a platform for robot hacking. It provides online robotic simulation environment, accessible from any browser, 24/7 and from anywhere in the world. Through the RCTF, security researchers can familiarize with typical robotic vulnerabilities without having access to real robots.
The whole infrastructure is available online and accessible through A simple account is required to access the different scenarios which are constantly being built. A list of the public scenarios is available at GitHub - aliasrobotics/RCTF: Scenarios of the Robotics CTF (RCTF), a playground to challenge robot security.. This repository includes also tools to reproduce RCTF scenarios locally (each scenario is containerized with Docker) so that you can experiment yourself.
A few links for those that wish to learn more:
- Robotics CTF site
- Article introducing the Robotics CTF in Alias Robotics website
- Original white paper about the RCTF
- Github repository with the Robotics CTF scenarios
Feedback and contributions are welcome.